Jan Brueghel Okenye, 1595 - zuru ike na ụgbọ elu banye Egypt - ọmarịcha nka

39,99 €

Ụtụ gụnyere. Mbupu gbakọrọ na ndenye ọpụpụ.

Ozi izizi gbasara nka sitere na webụsaịtị ihe ngosi nka (© - Maurithuis - www.mauritshuis.nl)

King-Stadholder William III, thence by inheritance to Prince William V, Apeldoorn, The Hague, 1712-1795; confiscated by the French, transferred to the Muséum Central des Arts/Musée Napoléon (Musée du Louvre), Paris, 1795-1815; Royal Picture Gallery, housed in the Prince William V Gallery, The Hague, 1816; transferred to the Mauritshuis, 1822

Data ndabere na ọrụ nka

Aha nke ọrụ nka: " zuru ike na ụgbọ elu banye Egypt"
nhazi ọkwa: sere
Nhazi nka: nka ochie
oge: 16th narị afọ
Emepụtara n'afọ: 1595
Ogologo afọ nka nka: 420 afọ
Usoro izizi: mmanụ na ọla kọpa na panel
Akụkụ nke ihe osise izizi: elu: 22 cm obosara: 29,1 cm
Akara mbinye aka: bears inscription: BRV[E]GHEL
Ụlọ ihe ngosi nka / mkpokọta: Maurithuis
Ebe ngosi nka: Hague, South Holland, Netherlands
Dị n'okpuru: Maurithuis
Ụdị ikike nka: ngalaba ọha
Site n'aka: Maurithuis, Hague
kreditline ọrụ nka: King-Stadholder William III, thence by inheritance to Prince William V, Apeldoorn, The Hague, 1712-1795; confiscated by the French, transferred to the Muséum Central des Arts/Musée Napoléon (Musée du Louvre), Paris, 1795-1815; Royal Picture Gallery, housed in the Prince William V Gallery, The Hague, 1816; transferred to the Mauritshuis, 1822

Ozi izugbe na onye na-ese ihe

Ihe nkiri: Jan Brueghel onye okenye
Aha nka ndị ọzọ: Brueghall, V. Brughels, Breughi Jan, Jean Breugle, J. Breugel dit de Velours, Jean Bruguel dit de Velours, Breugel dit de Velours, brueghel jan d. a., Breughel dit Jean, Johann Breughel genannt Sammet Breughel, Breuchel de Velours, Sam. Breughell, Sammt Breughell, Jan. Breughel, Jean Breughel dit le Breughel de velours, Brögel, Velvet Bruegel, Jean Breughel, Velvet Brughel, Broegel, brueghel der altere, Bereugal, Brueghell, Jan Breugel, Breughal, Velvet Brughle, Breughel dit de Velours, Brueghel Jan Der Ältere, Breugle le Velours, Breughel de Fluweele, de Fluweelen Breugel, jan broughel d. a., I. Breughel, Gamle Breughel, Giovanni di Brucolo, Velvet Breugle, Jan Breughell, Brueghel dit de Velours, Old Breughel, Brugo Novecchio, Jan Breughel d. Ae., Breughel le Velours, Brueghel Jan (Velvet) the Elder, brueghel jan d. a., Jean Breugel dit de Velours, van Brouel de folour, Jan Brugolo il Vecchio, Brucolo padre, Breugel Jan, V. Brughell, Breughel de Velours, den fluweelen Breugel, Broeghel, Jean Breughel dit de Velour, Joh. Brueghel, j. breughel d. alt., Breugel de Vlours, jan brueghel I, Breghel de Velour, Brueghel, Brueghel Jan 'Velvet', Vel. Breughel, Breughel de Veloure, Breughel de Veloers, Jean Breugel, jean breughel d. a., breughel jan, Johann Brueghell, Flaelen Breugel, Jean Breughel dit De Velour, Brougle, Bruegel Jan, Jean Breugel dit de Velours, Breugel Jan I, Breugle de Velours, ברויגל יאן (וולווט) האב, Breaghel de Volours, Bruegels, J. Brenghel, Bruegel Velvet, Brugel de Velours, John Brughel, J. Breughel de Velours, Jean Breugel dit le Velours, Broghle de fleur, Breughel Jan Samtbreughel, Paradise Breughel, Jean Brughel de Velours, jan breughel d. a. Jen. sammetbreughel, Breughels De Velour, Ian Breugel, Breughel de Velour, brueghel jan d. ae., Brenghell, Breugel de Veloure, den oude van Breugel, John Brueghel called Velvet Brueghel, den Fluwelen Breugel, J. Breugehl, Brueghel Jan the elder, Jan Brueghel, Van Breughel, Fluweele Breugel, F. Breugel, Monsu Brugo Novecchio, Breugel dit Develour, Breigel, Brughel dit de Velours, J. Bruegel, Le Vieux Breughel, J. Breughel le Pere, Jan I Brueghel, the elder Brueghel, Jean Breughel dit Breugle de Velours, Johann Breughell genannt Blumen-Breughel, Breugel Johan, Brugall, Brucoli vecchio, brugolo il vecchio, Jean Breughels dit de Velours, johann breughel, Jan Brueghel der Ältere, Fluweelen Breugel, Broeghel Jan, Lavecio Breugel, brueghel jan der altere, Breughel de Velours Jean, Jean Breughel ou Breughel de Velours, Sammt=Breughel, Brueghel the Elder Jan, Flowellen Breughel, Breugel dit de Velour, jan breughel I, H. Breughel, Johannes Breugel, Sammel Breughel, Brueghel Jan der Aeltere, Jan Brueghel d. Ee. Daalụ. Samtbrueghel, jan brueghel d. a. Jen. sammetbrueghel, Breugel den Fluweelen, Brugolo vecchio, Breughel Jan der Ältere, Velvet Breughell, Bruegel Jan I, Breugel de Vlours, P. Breugel de Velours, Breughell, Giuseppe Buoccolo, Brughel, J. Breughel, Bruguel Jean dit de Velours, J. Breugel dit De Velours, Broeugel, jan breughel d. a., Breughel Jan genannt Samtbreughel, Brueghel Jan (The Elder), Bregeln, Brueghel Jan I, Brugheal, Bruguel Paesista, Brueghel dit de Velours, Brueghel Jan, Breughel de Vel., Breughels dit de Velours, Johann Velvet Breughel, Old Brughel, F. Breughel, Jọn. Broegel, Old Braughel, J. Breughel dit de Velours, Brugel de Velour, Flower Breughel, jan brueghel d.a., Breugles de Velours, Breughal Jan, Breughell Jan, Brughill, Breugel den Ouden, Bruegel Jan the Elder, J. Breughel de Velours, le Brueghel de Velours, Brucolo vecchio, Breughall, Brugel de veleur, Breugel Joh., Jann Brögel gen. van Vlour, fluele Breugel, Joh. Breughel, Breughel Jan the elder, Breughi, Breughel Jan d.Ä., Bruegel, J. Brueghel d. Ä., Breugle, Le Breugle de Velours, O. Brughael, jan breughel der altere, Velvet Breugel, Fruellen Brugell, J. Breugel-de-Velours, Brueghel de Paradis, Joh. Breugel, Jan of de Fluele Breugel, Johann Brögel, Breugell de Velours, Bruyhelle, Brugo, Jan Brughel, Brueghel de Velours, John Brueghel Called Velvet Brueghel, Jan Brueghel the Elder, the elder Breughel, Jean Breughel de Velours, Jan Brueghel d. Ee. Jen. Sammetbrueghel, Jan Breugel den Ouden, Breughel Jan I, V. Brueghel, Jean Breughel dit de Velours, Breugel dit : de Velours, de fluweele Breugel, Broughel, jan brueghel gen. sammetbrueghel, Johann genannt Blumen-Breughel, jan brueghel d. alt., Velvet Breughel, gio. brughel fiamengo, J. Breughels dit de Velours, Brueghel Jan d.Ä., John Breughel called Velvet Breughel, Joh. Brögel, Brughel de Velcouri, Blumenbrueghel, J. Breugel de Velours, Jan Breughel d. J., Blumen Breugel, Old Brueghel, Fluelle Breugel, Johann Brueghel, Briügel De Velours, Breugen, Breugel. de Fluweele, den Fluweele Breugel, Brucolo Jan, Jan Brueghel D. A., Breugel de Velour, Breugel de Velours, Breughels de Velours, Breugel de Vloer, Old Brughell, I. Breugel, V. Breughel, Breughel de Velours, Breugel Jan the elder, Jean Breughel dit de Velours, jan brueghel d. aelt., Breughels, Jean Breughel de Velours, Breughel Jan d. Ä., Brenghels de Velours, Breughill de Velours, Breugheul, Breughel, de Fluwelen Breugel, Brug., jan brueghel der altere gen. sammetbrueghel, J. Breugel, Fluweelen Breughel, Breughael, John Brueghel called the Old, Brögeln, Jan (Velvet) Brueghel the Elder, Old Brugel, Bruguel, Brucolo, Breugel le vieux, de Fluweele van Breugel, Breugel dit De Velours, V. Brughel, Brughell, Old Breugel, jan bruegel, de F. Breugel, Breughil de Velours, Velvet Brughel, jan bruegel d. a., jan breughel d. alt., Breughel the Old, Breughill, Brughels de Velours, John or Velvet Breughel, Briaghell, Sammit Breughel, fluwele Breugel, Velvet Brueghel, Breugel-de-Velours, Breugel de Vloin, den Ouden Breugel, Gio. Breughel, Fluen Prôgel, de Fluwele Breugel, Breughel Jean dit de velours, Brengheel, Brughael, Breughels van Velours, O. Brughel, Johan. Breughel de Velours, Brieughel, Bhrueghel, Brucoli Jan il vecchio, Breugal, Ver Brughell, Brogels, Breughel Jan d.Ä. Jen. Samtbreughel, Velvet Brughell, de fluele Breugel, T. Breugel, Breughel padre, fluwelen Breugel, Brughel de Vlour, Jan Breughel, jan breughel d.a., Sammet=Breughel, Bruguel de la Voilure, Breughil, Jean Breughel detto de Velours, Breugel Velvet Brueghel, Breugel de Velleurs, Sammet Breugel, Johann Breugel, J. Breughel dit De Velours, Brögel de Vel, Breughel dit de Velours, Brueghel Jan I, O. Breughel, Velvet Brueghal, Brueghel Jan Velvet, J. Brughel, Jean Breughels, Brenghel, Old Bruegal, Johann Velvet Breughel, Briaghell Jan, Velvect Brueghel, Breughel Jan, V. Breugel, Breugle de Velour, Giovan Breughel, Jan Breughel d. Ee. Jen. Sammtbreughel, Breugel de Velours, old Breughell, jan brueghel gen. sammet-brueghel, Breughel Jean, Breugels de Velours, Brughel De Velours, Sammet Breughel, Fruellen Brughel, John otherwise Velvet Breughel, J. Brögel, old Brugell, Vel. Brughell, Brueghel d. Ä.
Gender: nwoke
Obodo onye nka: Onye Belgium
Ọrụ: onye na-ese ihe, onye na-ese ihe
Country: Belgium
Nkewa onye nka: nna ukwu ochie
Ụdị nke onye na-ese ihe: Baroque
Ndụ: 57 afọ
A mụrụ: 1568
Obodo amụrụ: Brussels, Bruxelles mpaghara, Belgium
Nwuru: 1625
Ebe ọnwụ: Antwerp, Antwerpen n'ógbè, Flanders, Belgium

Tebụl ihe

Ụdị edemede: ọrụ mgbidi
Usoro mmeghari: dijitalụ mmeputakwa
Usoro mmepụta: mbipụta dijitalụ (Mbipụta UV ozugbo)
Ihe ngosi: German mmepụta
Stockdị ngwaahịa: a na-achọ
Eji ngwaahịa emebere: ihe ndozi ụlọ, mgbidi gallery
Nhazi nke ihe nka: usoro odida obodo
Oke akụkụ: 4: 3
Nsonaazụ nke akụkụ onyonyo: ogologo bụ 33% ogologo karịa obosara
Nhọrọ akụrụngwa: ígwè obibi akwụkwọ (aluminium dibond), akwụkwọ mmado (akwụkwọ kwaaji), mbipụta enyo acrylic (nke nwere ezigbo mkpuchi iko), mbipụta akwụkwọ.
Ọdịiche dị n'okirikiri akwa akwa akwa (akwa akwa): 40x30cm - 16x12", 80x60cm - 31x24", 120x90cm - 47x35", 160x120cm - 63x47"
Mbipụta iko acrylic (nke nwere ezigbo mkpuchi iko): 40x30cm - 16x12", 80x60cm - 31x24", 120x90cm - 47x35", 160x120cm - 63x47"
Mbipụta akwụkwọ mmado (akwụkwọ kwaaji): 40x30cm - 16x12", 80x60cm - 31x24", 120x90cm - 47x35"
Mbipụta aluminom: 40x30cm - 16x12", 80x60cm - 31x24", 120x90cm - 47x35"
Nhazi mbipụta nka: biko buru n'uche na nnomi nka enweghi fremu

Họrọ ngwa ngwaahịa gị

N'ime ndetu ndetu ngwaahịa ị nwere ike họrọ ngwa na nha nke gị. Ka ị kwekọọ n'ihe ị chọrọ nke ọma, ị nwere ike họrọ n'ime nhọrọ nhazi ngwaahịa ndị a:

  • Mbipụta kwaaji: A canvas direct print is a printed canvas stretched on a wooden frame. Additionally, a canvas print produces a familiar, warm ambience. The advantage of canvas prints is that they are relatively low in weight, which means that it is quite simple to hang up your Canvas print without the help of extra wall-mounts. Therefore, canvas prints are suitable for any kind of wall.
  • Bipụta na enyo acrylic: A glossy acrylic glass print, often referenced as a plexiglass print, transforms the original into marvellous home decoration. The artwork is being printed with state-of-the-art UV direct print machines. This creates impressive and vivid color shades. With an acrylic glass art print contrasts and also small painting details will be more exposed due to the subtle tonal gradation.
  • Mbipụta akwụkwọ mmado (ihe kwaaji): A poster print is a UV printed cotton canvas paper with a slight structure on the surface. It is perfectly designed for putting the art replica in a customized frame. Please note, that depending on the size of the poster we add a white margin of something between 2-6 cm around the painting in order to facilitate the framing with your custom frame.
  • Metal (aluminium debond mbipụta): This is a metal print manufactured on aluminium dibond with an outstanding depth. The Direct Print on Aluminum Dibond is the excellent start to fine art reproductions on aluminum. For the Print On Aluminum Dibond, we print the selected artwork on the surface of the aluminum material. The bright & white parts of the artwork shine with a silk gloss but without any glow.

Nbipụta nka mara mma nke onwe gị

"Rest on the Flight into Egypt" was by the male artist Jan Brueghel the Elder in 1595. Ihe gafere 420 Original afọ nwere akụkụ ndị a: elu: 22 cm obosara: 29,1 cm | elu: 8,7 n'obosara: 11,5 inch. Oil on copper on panel was applied by the European painter as the medium of the piece of art. Bears inscription: BRV[E]GHEL is the artwork's original inscription. Moveover, the artwork forms part of the Ndị Maurithuis digital collection, which the Mauritshuis is home to the best artworks of Dutch painting of the seventeenth century. With courtesy of - Maurithuis, Hague (license: public domain). Furthermore, the artpiece has the creditline: King-Stadholder William III, thence by inheritance to Prince William V, Apeldoorn, The Hague, 1712-1795; confiscated by the French, transferred to the Muséum Central des Arts/Musée Napoléon (Musée du Louvre), Paris, 1795-1815; Royal Picture Gallery, housed in the Prince William V Gallery, The Hague, 1816; transferred to the Mauritshuis, 1822. E wezụga nke a, alignment bụ na odida obodo usoro ma nwee oke akụkụ nke 4: 3, nke pụtara na ogologo bụ 33% ogologo karịa obosara. The artist, painter Jan Brueghel the Elder was a European artist, whose artistic style was mainly Baroque. The Baroque painter lived for 57 afọ - born in the year 1568 in Brussels, Bruxelles region, Belgium and deceased in 1625 in Antwerp, Antwerpen province, Flanders, Belgium.

Disclaimer: We try everythig possible in order to depict our products as accurate as possible and to demonstrate them visually on the various product detail pages. Nonetheless, the tone of the print products, as well as the print result might vary slightly from the representation on your screen. Depending on the screen settings and the condition of the surface, color pigments may not be printed one hundret percent realistically. Since all our art reproductions are processed and printed manually, there may as well be minor deviations in the size and exact position of the motif.

© nwebiisinka, Artprinta.com (Artprinta)

Ị nwere ike na-amasị

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